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3 Reasons to Get Luxury Auto Service (Even if You Don’t Drive one)

June 2023

engine oil leaks

How to Avoid Engine Oil Leaks?

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Compared to what you may expect, engine oil leaks are more frequent. Whether you drive a Mercedes, Volkswagen, or Audi, the fluids in your automobile are crucial to its smooth running. After leaving your automobile in the same position for some time, you might see some liquid marks… 

Teflon coatings

Preserve Your Car’s Brilliance: Exploring the Meaning, Types, and Use of Teflon Coatings

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Teflon coatings have grown to be a well-liked option for automobile owners. Especially those who wish to shield their vehicles from the weather while still maintaining their aesthetic appeal. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), recognised for its hydrophobic and non-stick qualities, is used in this coating. Teflon coating is a clear… 

Slow Puncture

Slow Puncture: What to do?

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Even the most alert drivers frequently take some time to notice that their car has slow puncture. Repairing or purchasing a new tyre is usually a nuisance, especially if we can convince ourselves that the tyre wasn’t actually damaged in the first place. The bad news is that… 

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