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Wet roads, clear minds: Master the art of driving in the rain

Wet roads, clear minds: Master the art of driving in the rain

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Driving in the rain and thunderstorms is a challenge that every automobile owner has encountered. While it’s necessary to get your automobile maintained regularly, it’s impractical to show up at a service facility every day right after a rainstorm. Knowing a few tips and methods is essential to keeping your automobile protected from water and rust for these and many more reasons.
Make careful to write down these suggestions if you reside in a region with regular rain. Additionally, it is much more crucial to follow the instructions if your automobile is not accustomed to rain. Let’s look at some automobile maintenance advice for the wet weather.

1. Windshield Cleaning

Starting with the most fundamental but sometimes forgotten advice, always keep in mind to thoroughly wipe your windscreen and other mirrors. You may have seen grit and dust on the window if you’re planning on driving in the rain.
This is due to the mineral deposits that are left behind after the water evaporates in the morning and turns into soil. Having a filthy windscreen and mirrors while driving would impair your judgement and obscure your vision of the road ahead. Additionally, if it rains, the water droplets will attach to the sand and dust, making driving much more challenging.
To prevent an unpleasant situation, it is advised to give the windscreen, rearview mirror, and side mirrors a thorough cleaning. Additionally, you may apply a water-repellent solution to increase visibility because rainfall will roll off the glass rather than smear it.

2. Lights

Your lights are what direct you through the path during a severe downpour. They increase your visibility as well as that of oncoming motorists. Therefore, before driving in the rain, you should always pay more attention to the lights. Make sure your lights are functioning effectively and correctly.
Turning all of your car’s lights—including the fog lights, headlights, danger lights, taillights, indicators, etc.—is a fantastic method to check them all. A sign that some of the bulbs need to be changed is if you see the lights flickering or growing dimmer. The battery may potentially be a factor in the problem.
Clean your car lights before leaving, and you can apply the same water-repellent substance on them as well to make things less murky and more apparent.

3. Wiper Blades

You probably haven’t used the windscreen wiper since the last monsoon if the weather in your area alternates between monsoons and summers. The rubber of the wiper is susceptible to cracking and brittleness in the summer because of the intense heat.
Before driving through the monsoon season, you might check the windscreen wiper. The windscreen wipers are fairly simple to change, and you may accomplish so by purchasing new ones from a vehicle shop.
Additionally, ensure sure the washer fluid is full because it might evaporate over time and create a sticky residue that interferes with the wipers’ ability to function effectively. And when you’re snarled in wet traffic, you don’t want that.

4. Wax and wash

Let’s look at point number four of our automobile maintenance guidelines for driving in the rain before we get to the important stuff.
Given that it will get dirty again when it rains, you may be asking what use it is to clean the automobile. There is a point, I suppose.
The readily removable stains on your automobile become difficult to remove after driving through the muddy water and remaining there for a few nights. This implies that to get them removed, you will need to use a cleaning service. Additionally, much like your car’s glass, its paint is susceptible to grime stains.
A quality vehicle wash will keep it from getting muddy and dirty again in addition to removing the dirt and grime. Raindrops won’t smear on because of the wax’s ability to resist water; they will just roll off.

5. Tyres

The majority of monsoon-related traffic incidents involve worn-out, poorly maintained tyres. It requires more force from your brake and tyres to accurately stop the automobile when the roads are slick and wet.
It won’t help you to have an old, worn-out tyre, and it will become harder to stop them in time.
Checking the tyres is a good action to make before the clouds begin to descend. In the rainy season, the grooves on your tyres are crucial. They are specifically made to deflect water away from the rubber “contact patch” that holds your automobile to the pavement. The ability of the automobile to repel water will be compromised by worn-out tyres. Your automobile will veer off the road or spin if the water is in contact with the patch for an extended period. The term “hydroplaning” describes this.
Before you leave, measure the depth of the tread on the tyres by sticking a penny into the grooves. Additionally, you may utilise a tread-wear indicator and replace your tyres as necessary.

6. Battery

For driving in the rain, here’s a crucial automobile maintenance suggestion.
It is crucial to check the battery before entering the deluge since driving in the rain demands more power from the battery. While humidity can cause corrosion and nighttime battery loss, cold and rainy conditions can put stress on the battery.
Watch out for the warning symptoms of a worn-out and overworked battery, such as fading lights, trouble starting the car, etc.
Try to recharge your battery before the monsoon season if it is still relatively fresh. It’s time for a change if you’ve been using it for a few years.
You may also check the wiring of the vehicle since any exposed wires or connections could come into touch with water.

7. Brakes

Always keep in mind that driving on a wet road differs from doing so on a dry one. Much earlier than you would ordinarily, you would need to apply the brakes. This occurs as a result of the water’s effect on the amount of friction that exists between the brakes and the tyres.
When your brakes are worn out, stopping at the right moment on slick roads is much more challenging. It is essential to inspect your brakes for everyone in your automobile and their safety. To accomplish this, wait a moment for your automobile to idle before beginning the procedure. Now gradually apply more effort to the brake. If you hear juddering, your brake pads are worn out. Additionally, you might need to fill off your brake fluid.

8. Look for any leaks

It is not time to check for leaks, according to the eighth automobile maintenance recommendation for driving in rain. Rubber seals are installed in every automobile to aid in keeping water out. However, it is possible that the rubber loses its hold with time and is no longer as effective at protecting the automobile. You don’t want water to drop into the automobile as a result of this.
Make sure there is no moisture accumulating and that the rubber parts of the roof, windows, windscreens, door sills, etc. are in good condition so that you are as sheltered inside the car as you would be at home.

9. Air conditioner

When driving in the rain, you always close the windows and sunroof. As a result, you continue breathing in the same air because there is no way for it to enter or exit the vehicle.
Make sure your air conditioner is in good working order to prevent this.
It would be beneficial to circulate the fresh air that is brought in from the outside so that you are not confined to a small space. Additionally, air conditioning aids in defogging windows and windscreens, improving vision.
Before the monsoon arrives, make sure the AC filters are cleaned so that you won’t have to worry about odorous air being drawn inside the car.

10. Examining under the Carriage

During the rainy season, your car’s undercarriage needs attention and upkeep. One of the finest pieces of advice I’ve ever heard is to liberally spray the underbody in an anti-rusting coating.
Your braking system’s performance may be impacted by standing water, splashing puddles, dampness, and a combination of dirt and filth. Water may even soak into any loose or cracked CV joints, removing lubricant and causing more harm.
To prevent mishaps, avoid spraying be careful not to spray it on the brake discs or the engine or exhaust component. Additionally, you should routinely clean below the carriage to make sure there isn’t any rust developing or debris that might be impairing efficiency.

11. Tighten the belt

The parts of your car fit together perfectly and are fastened with the aid of belts and bands. Power is transferred from the engine to the alternator, air conditioner, and power steering system through auxiliary belts fastened to pulleys on the side of the engine.
Belts that shriek while in use are often worn out or loose during the rainy season. Who would want it?
If you have any problems, be sure to check the belts and get them adjusted at a car service station.

12. Interior Care

The interior of the automobile suffers the most during the monsoon season from dirty, wet shoes, damp clothing, and the humidity in the air. In addition to being harmful, it may cause the inside to smell. And I don’t believe anyone has it on their wish list.
Using newspapers to absorb water and dirt from the carpets is one of the greatest rainy-day car care suggestions.
To prevent water from seeping into the automobile seats, you might also cover the backrest and headrest with a sizable towel.
Given the present pandemic threat, you should also do routine cabin sanitization to prevent viral exposure. A little precaution never harms anyone, especially considering how the monsoon season accelerates the virus’s transmission.

13. Tips for Driving in Rain

Driving in the central lane is one of the safest options during the monsoon season. This is because there is very little chance of waterlogging in the centre lane. Similar to this, avoid frequent braking while driving slowly with a steady throttle in a waterlogged region.
To prevent any mistakes or accidents, it’s a good idea to leave plenty of room between your car and the one in front. Avoid restarting the engine if the water levels are quite high, since doing so might harm the engine.
When passing through an area that is covered with water, drive with your hazard lights on.

14. Emergency Kit

Having a backup is wise automobile maintenance advice for the wet season. When travelling during the chilly, wet season, be sure to carry your emergency kit close at hand. A phone charger, tow cable, jacket flashlight, and jumper cables ought to be included.

15. Service

Don’t worry if you don’t understand your automobile very well or if you ignore the advice mentioned.
You may always have your automobile serviced before the monsoon, and qualified experts will examine it and replace or repair any parts that could cause you problems down the road. Cleaning services, a significant service, or only an interim service are further options. Everything depends on when you had your automobile serviced last.

16. Carry Extras

Because the weather is sometimes erratic, it would be excellent to carry extras in your trunk. Although spares are frequently associated with tyres, they might also include windscreen wipers because of their susceptibility to damage. Fuse boxes, raincoats, towels, umbrellas, rain boots, and other items can also be transported.

Read more: Stay Safe & Dry: Top 10 Tips For Driving During The Rainy Season

This brings us to the end of car care tips for the rainy season. I hope this was informative and helpful. For any questions or doubts, leaaour comment below.

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