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Dispelling 12 Common Car Myths: Car Facts Matter

Dispelling 12 Common Car Myths: Car Facts Matter

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Misinformation about cars can lead to unnecessary expenses, confusion, and even safety hazards. In this article, we’ll debunk 12 common car myths and emphasize why accurate car facts matter. Don’t be fooled by the mechanics! These car myths may be harmful to your vehicle.

My car will run better on premium fuel

False! Despite its higher price tag, this petrol is not any cleaner or purer than the usual petrol you buy at the station. This fuel is designed for vehicles that require less flammable fuel, but it can be used in any car. Reading the owner’s manual will tell you if your car demands premium petrol. Only use premium fuel in your vehicle if it specifies a minimum octane rating. If not, then it’s a waste of cash. 

Car Myths

All four of my tyres need to be replaced at the same time

This line of thinking may be sound, but it’s unnecessary. No rule says you have to replace all four tyres at once if one of them goes flat. You’re set to go as long as you replace the tyre with one of the same make, model, and size. If you have a flat tyre and get stuck, here’s how to change it.

Driving with my truck’s tailgate down is more fuel efficient

After putting this notion to the test, Popular Mechanics discovered that the vehicle had greater drag with the tailboard down than with it up. They discovered, however, that driving with the tailboard replaced by a mesh panel saved as much gasoline as driving with no tailboard or with the hardback top and the tailboard up.

While I’m having the oil changed, I might as well get the coolant fluid and air filters changed too

The mechanic may suggest replacing them “while they’re at it,” but you may not need to do so just yet. You don’t have to replace your radiator fluid or air filters because you have your oil changed. Instead of getting ripped off by replacing them too often, consult your owner’s manual to discover when they should be changed. 

The risk of fire in electric vehicles is higher than in gas-powered vehicles

No way! The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration looked at this back in 2012 and found that electric cars “pose no greater risk of fire than gasoline-powered vehicles.”

Every 3,000 miles, you need to get an oil change

You read that correctly; you can put off getting new oil for longer. These days, most cars can travel up to 10,000 miles before needing an oil change.

I guess I won’t need to get the oil changed after all

You sure do! It’s a fallacy that cars don’t need oil changes, even though some people have tried to disprove this. If you don’t change your car’s oil regularly, the old, unclean oil will stop protecting and prolong the engine’s wear and breakdown.

It’s cold outside, so I have to let my car warm up first

It’s no longer necessary to wait for the engine to warm up before driving. Leaving your automobile idling is harmful to its health. Because of the additional fuel introduced into the combustion chamber, cylinder walls may be harmed. Oil won’t dissolve in the absence of petrol. Petrol will warm up your engine for you, so you only need to wait 30 seconds before driving. This is because people’s tastes in automobiles have evolved.

Read more: Driving With Snow On Your Car, Is It Illegal?

My car will have better acceleration using jet fuel

Despite appearances to the contrary, this fuel is inferior to regular petrol and will do nothing to improve your vehicle’s performance. Many vehicles failed to start after being filled with jet fuel at a petrol station in New Jersey.

My car would explode if I put jet fuel in it

This is the complete antithesis of the last point, but it is also wrong. While this is certainly a dangerous substance, filling your car with jet fuel will not cause it to catch fire. The process will simply halt. 

You’ll get more gas if you fill up in the morning

Since mornings are typically cooler than midday, it stands to reason that petrol would be denser in the morning hours. Since petrol has a relatively constant temperature regardless of ambient temperature, filling up in the winter won’t save you money. There shouldn’t be much of a price difference between filling up at midnight and filling up at noon, so there’s little need to get up extra early for a petrol run.

If you’re about to hit a moose, accelerate so the moose will go over the car and save everyone inside

Yes, this one is a little out there. This, however, has been proven to be an urban legend. It’s possible to cause far more severe damage to your vehicle by accelerating, as the entire roof can bow inward. This could cause significant problems with your roof as well. 


1. What are car myths, and why are they important to debunk?

Car myths are misconceptions or false beliefs about cars and their operation. Debunking these myths is essential to promote accurate information, improve safety, and save money for car owners.

2. What is one common car myth that needs debunking?

One common car myth is that you need to warm up your car before driving in cold weather. Modern cars are designed to be driven shortly after starting and idling for extended periods can be wasteful and harmful to the environment.

3. Are manual transmissions more fuel-efficient than automatic transmissions?

This is a common car myth. In many cases, modern automatic transmissions are just as fuel-efficient as manual transmissions, and sometimes even more so due to advanced technology.

4. Is it true that premium gasoline is always better for your car?

Not necessarily. Most cars are designed to run perfectly fine on regular unleaded gasoline. Using premium gasoline when it’s not required by the manufacturer won’t provide any significant benefits.

5. Can you “burn off” water in the gas tank by adding alcohol or other additives?

This is a car myth. Adding alcohol or other additives to your gas tank will not magically remove water from the fuel system. It’s best to address water contamination by professional means.

6. Do red cars receive more speeding tickets than other coloured cars?

This is a car myth with no scientific basis. The colour of your car doesn’t influence whether you get a speeding ticket. It’s your driving behaviour that matters.

7. Is it true that you should replace your oil every 3,000 miles?

This is an outdated car myth. Many modern cars can go much longer between oil changes, depending on the type of oil and driving conditions. Refer to your car’s manual for recommended intervals.

8. Can you save money on gas by driving with the windows down instead of using the air conditioning?

It depends on your driving speed. At low speeds, using the windows down may be more efficient, but at highway speeds, using the air conditioning can be more fuel-efficient due to reduced aerodynamic drag.

9. Will use your cell phone while pumping gas cause an explosion?

This is a persistent car myth with no scientific evidence to support it. While it’s generally a good idea to avoid distractions while refuelling, using your cell phone is not a significant safety risk.

10. Can you increase your car’s horsepower significantly with simple aftermarket products?

– Many products claim to boost horsepower, but the actual gains are often minimal. Significant power increases typically require engine modifications and tuning.

11. Is it true that bigger cars are always safer in accidents?

– Not necessarily. While larger cars can offer more protection in certain situations, factors like vehicle design, safety features, and driver behaviour play a more significant role in overall safety.

12. Does using cruise control on hilly terrain negatively affect fuel efficiency?

– No, cruise control can improve fuel efficiency on hilly terrain by maintaining a consistent speed and reducing unnecessary acceleration and deceleration.

Debunking car myths helps car owners make informed decisions, maintain their vehicles more effectively, and dispel common misconceptions about automotive practices.


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