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Free Winter Health Check

Vehicle Winter Health CheckOut of all of the seasons, Winter is the one which requires the most care and preparation to ensure you and your family stay safe on the roads. Breakdowns and accidents are much more common and can be a lot more dangerous in the winter months. With temperatures dropping and winters getting colder each year, it is even more important to ensure your vehicle is equally prepared for this freezing cold season as much as you are.

Pop into Bodyteq this festive season and let one of our trained technicians perform a Free Winter Health Check on your vehicle to ensure you stay safe and moving on the roads this winter.

What’s included in the Free Winter Health Check at Bodyteq?
To ensure we keep you moving this winter we’ll be checking over the following on your vehicle:
Tyres – We will check the overall condition of your tyres as well as tread depth and tyre pressure.
Battery – We will test the batteries cells & charging health with our battery tester.
Coolant / Anti-Freeze – We will check the levels and strength.

As the days get shorter and colder, visibility will be at it’s lowest and so we’ll also be checking the following items:
Wiper Blades – For splits and damage.
Windscreen Washer System – Operation and level of screen wash.
Light Bulbs – Fault / broken bulbs.

Once we’ve completed the Free Winter Health Check, we’ll be giving you a call to discuss the health check report, highlighting any items which require attention and provide you with expert help & guidance to correct any elements that do not meet the safety requirements.

Bodyteq Vehicle Winter Health CheckOur Reasoning Behind Our Checks..

Tyres are essential in keeping you safe on the roads. With the increased risk of ice and snow in the winter months, our Free Winter Health Check is the perfect choice to ensure your tyres are in good enough condition to help you stay unstuck.

Battery failure is very common in the colder months because the colder it is, the longer batteries take to fully charge. On top of that, we are using more electrical items such as heating elements and lighting so the battery is being discharged at a faster rate than usual.

Coolant / Anti-Freeze levels are very important and should be checked regularly to avoid serious engine damage. It is even more important in the winter months as low levels of anti-freeze or water alone in the system could cause the coolant system to freeze up. Frozen water in your engine and coolant pipes is a very common cause for engine failure.

Windscreen Washer System & Wiper Blades are equally important as the days get shorter and darker this winter. With the reduced visibility on the roads and increased use of the wipers and washer fluid you want to be sure you don’t run out of washer fluid mid-journey and the wipers do their job of clearing the screen properly.

Light Bulb failure must not be ignored and in fact it is illegal to be driving on the road with a bulb out. Ensuring all your lights work correctly is critical for your safety and for the safety of other road users because not only will it help you see where you are going but also help other road users see you on the road.

To get booked in for your Free Winter Health Check, call Bodyteq today on 0207 998 4712.

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